Thursday 12 March 2020

zucchini fritters

Hoiho class made Zucchini fritters. The first thing we did
was get some vegetables and cut the soft bits off the
zucchini and then Harrison grated it and me, Reid.
Then we got all of the other
ingredients like Spring onions, eggs and parsley.
Then we made gluten-free flour, we put the 
Gluten-free bowl on the right of it and the Light bowls of
Non-gluten-free bowl then we put onions in both of the
The zucchini fritters were cooked in the pan with butter.
We cooked ]the zucchini fritters in a different pan then I
dropped the non-gluten free plate accidentally. Then we
had to cook more. 

 Next, we put the zucchini on the table. Harlyn made the
lettuce salad. It was yummy and delicious.